Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Concept Map

Concept Map- a diagram showing the relationships between words and ideas using boxes, arrows, and other figures. 

A concept map is used to see the structure of information, to organize and represent knowledge. They frequently use words and symbols to convey relationships in information. The map above is a concept map about concept mapping- it shows the purpose and structure of concept maps, as well as other information relevant to these maps. 

Bathymetric Map

Bathymetric Map- a map of the sea-bed surface showing depths below sea level. 

Bathymetric maps are similar to surface topography maps. This map shows the first realistic bathymetric map of any ocean basin, created between 1873 and 1875 in the Gulf of Mexico. 

Bilateral Graph

Bilateral Graph- a graph that shows the changes in two related variables. 

A bilateral graph is often used to show how the changes in one variable affect the changes in another. They can show both negative and positive changes. This bilateral graph shows the relationship between gas prices and consumer spending during 2007. Just after gas prices rose in May, spending went down, but spending rose as gas prices rose in November, presumably in anticipation of Christmas. 

Correlation Matrix

Correlation Matrix- a matrix or table showing the inter-correlations between all variables. 

A correlation matrix shows the similarities between all variables of a study. These matrices show the correlations between 20 climate models in four different areas. Each row and column of the matrix is a model, and the colors indicate how the models are similar or dissimilar to each other. 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Lorenz Curve

Lorenz Curve- a graph in which the cumulative percentage of a variable is plotted against the cumulative percentage of the corresponding population. The extent to which the curve falls below the equality line indicates the inequality of the distribution. 

A Lorenz curve indicates the inequality of a distribution. This graph shows the proportion of internet users to the total population. The straight diagonal line is the line of equality. The curves below it correspond to different years. As you can see, the proportion of internet users is becoming increasingly more equalized from 1997 to 2005. 

Parallel Coordinate Plot

Parallel Coordinate Plot- a graph that displays data in several dimensions. Each variable is graphed on a vertical axis and each data element is plotted as a connected set of points, one on each axis. 

This parallel coordinate plot shows grades received by the author at the University of Konstanz between 2001-2006. The first vertical line is the year variable, with each point being a separate year. The next vertical line is the grade variable, with points represented from 1 to 4. The last vertical line is the subject variable. 


Isopleth- a line on a map connecting points having an equal incidence of a specified meteorological figure. 

This map shows mean annual snowfall in North America. The isopleths connect points that receive equal mean snowfall. The numbers on the lines show what level of snowfall they represent, with snowfall measured in centimeters.