Thursday, April 14, 2011


Cartogram- a type of thematic map in which the areas of spatial features are distorted in proportion to the value of an attribute. 

Cartograms show land area in proportion to the attribute being mapped, so they are distorted to make a point. This is a cartogram of projected internet use by 2015, with each country represented by its flag. Each country is still in its relative location to the countries around it, but the size has been changed to reflect the relative number of internet users, not just the population. For example, Canada has a large land area, but on this map it is a small piece just perched on top of the US, because the amount of internet users in Canada is much smaller than the amount in the US. Cartograms can cause confusion, though- for example there are not fewer internet users in Canada because it is less developed than the US but because it has a smaller total population. 

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